The short answer is – there aren’t. Many corners of the internet encourage people to continue lying on their back, perhaps with a pillow under their bum after intercourse. The speculation is that this allows more sperm access to the womb and increases the chances of pregnancy. Does it work? I don’t know. But, if… Read more »
What impact does aging have on male fertility?
Getting older has its advantages. But many men over 45 worry about the impact their age will have on the quality of their sperm, and the health of children they may be responsible for. Sometimes, these are valid concerns. But there are things you can do about it. 1. Get a sperm test with DNA… Read more »
September is PCOS Awareness Month
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a widespread condition. Worldwide, 6% – 10% of women are affected by PCOS. It’s one of the most common causes of infertility and often underdiagnosed. Many women don’t get diagnosed until they seek help with conceiving. Symptoms can include acne, weight gain, excessive facial hair, irregular or absent periods, lack of… Read more »
I’m having IUI, how do I interpret the sperm numbers?
You’ve talked to your fertility provider and decided intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the right choice for you. Great! By this point, we generally have a sperm count. This can be divided into two parts: The initial sample and the washed sample. Initial Sample We like to see sperm in the “normal” range. This is because… Read more »
When is IUI the right choice?
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a simple “bridge” procedure between natural attempts to conceive at home, and the more technical process of IVF. Intrauterine insemination is kind of like having sexual intercourse timed to when you ovulate. The difference is that it helps bypass any obstacles sperm may encounter at the cervix. Some examples of when… Read more »
I’m having faint spotting after my frozen embryo transfer (FET). Am I OK?
If you call your clinic, they might say a little spotting could be an “implantation bleed”. In all honesty, we have no idea why some women spot a little bit; but if it only lasts a day or two, and is barely noticeable (pink or brown), it doesn’t seem to matter or affect your prognosis…. Read more »
Is Metformin a good medication for women with PCOS?
In recent years, we’ve encouraged many patients to take metformin when they have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Many women with PCOS can have difficulties with insulin and insulin-like hormones, and metformin helps regulate insulin. We thought regulating insulin may help PCOS patients get pregnant. I still suggest metformin for women who are… Read more »
When should you do IVF?
Nobody wants to do IVF. Whenever a couple or individual comes to a fertility clinic, the goal is to work as naturally as possible to maximize the chances for pregnancy. So IVF can feel like a scary direction, both financially and emotionally. But if it’s been more than six months of trying naturally together, there… Read more »
“What’s my ovarian reserve and what do all those tests mean – FSH, AFC, AMH?”
Your number of eggs is your ovarian reserve. That’s a measure of quantity, not quality, and of course quality matters too. But when you have a good ovarian reserve, you most likely will have some good quality eggs in there. The basics You were born with millions of immature eggs. Most of the immature eggs are snuggled… Read more »
“How serious are those scary statistics about a woman’s fertility as she ages?”
Age does predict egg quality with greater accuracy than any other factor. That’s why IVF success rates are usually sub-categorized by the woman’s age. The oldest patient I helped achieve pregnancy through a fresh IVF cycle with her own eggs was 45 when she delivered; a colleague of mine diagnosed a (very surprised) 51 year old with “stomach… Read more »