You can run a modified natural cycle IVF. That would mean retrieving one egg and hoping for ongoing pregnancy. Success rates vary, but are likely between 4% and 15% per cycle. This is the best case scenario for women with good-quality eggs. If the same individual were to add in medication, she may have success… Read more »
What’s the difference between my ovarian reserve and egg quality?
Your egg quantity is also known as your ovarian reserve. It’s not quite the same thing as egg quality. But when you have a good ovarian reserve, you most likely will have some good quality eggs in there too. You were born with millions of immature eggs. Most of the immature eggs will be housed… Read more »
How does an AMH test help me?
AMH is the best test that we have for understanding your ovarian reserve. There are other tests available (FSH levels, and ultrasound) but they are not as accurate. AMH is the hormone that is made by the cells surrounding each of your resting eggs. This means that the more eggs that you have, the higher… Read more »
“What’s my ovarian reserve and what do all those tests mean – FSH, AFC, AMH?”
Your number of eggs is your ovarian reserve. That’s a measure of quantity, not quality, and of course quality matters too. But when you have a good ovarian reserve, you most likely will have some good quality eggs in there. The basics You were born with millions of immature eggs. Most of the immature eggs are snuggled… Read more »