In 2004, the Canadian government passed The Assisted Human Reproduction Act (AHRA). The legislation also established Assisted Human Reproduction Canada (AHRC), a Federal agency, which was to be responsible for licensing, inspecting, and enforcing activities controlled under the Act. The legislation itself addresses several areas of human genetic and reproductive technologies. The Act prohibits many… Read more »
When is it time to use donor eggs?
If you’re over the age of 37, and your AMH is less than 2 pmol/L, your ovarian reserve will likely not support a reasonable attempt at IVF. IVF demands a relatively high number of eggs to be made available to the lab. The ideal number is between twelve and twenty. If numbers are going to… Read more »
How long can embryos remain frozen?
There’s some microdegradation of DNA after only a few days. Microdegradation means DNA, or the proteins that support its structure, start to break down during the freezing process. How significant this is depends on the circumstances. When sperm are frozen, there are generally millions to spare. You can be confident that there will… Read more »
“Does premenstrual spotting mean my eggs are low quality?”
“Premenstrual spotting”, also known as luteal phase spotting, may be as a result of lower-than-normal progesterone levels. And yes, egg quality and progesterone can be related. However, egg quality isn’t the only explanation for spotting. There are many other possible reasons for spotting in the luteal phase, including: intrauterine polyps, fibroids, a thin uterine lining,… Read more »