What are the recent developments in implantation? (Part Three: PGS)

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This post is part three of a series where we will discuss how embryos, the uterus and overall health impact implantation.


We judge embryo quality in three ways: the number of embryos present, embryo grading, and PGS. In this post, we’ll talk about PGS.

Our current gold standard for judging embryo quality is pre-implantation genetic screening. PGS allows us screen embryos for genetic issues during an IVF fertility procedure. First, the embryo is extracted and fertilized in the lab. It’s given a few days to mature. Then the embryologist removes a few cells from the embryo and examines the chromosomes. Embryos with normal chromosomes are implanted in the woman’s uterus or frozen for implantation later.

The benefits of doing PGS are strong. For example, compared to an unscreened embryo, a single embryo screened with PGS typically:

  • Implants more successfully

  • Has higher delivery rates

  • Reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies

  • Reduces the risk of preterm delivery

For more on the science of PGS, you may want to visit www.chromosome-screening.org.


Note: Embryos are just one element in implantation. Implantation challenges can be related to embryos, the uterus and overall health. We’ll have another post shortly on how the uterus, its shape and lining, may impact odds for implantation.

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